September 17, 2005


On a number of occasions, I am asked by young parents: Is counselling really required for present-day parents and children? Do they really need some sort of "advice" or guidance? If yes, why?

The young parents feel they are well-educated. They are well-read. I have also observed that many of them have read books on parenthood before they come to me. They feel they are 'knowledgeable' and 'capable' of "handling" the problems of parenthood.

Dear parents! Remember that the complexities of relationship between the parents and the child are growing out of proportions now. The number of issues involved is also increasing.

Few years back, they were related to studies, career, pocket-money, friendship, attitudinal or behavioural problems etc. Now status awareness, publicity craze, countless external temptations, competitivity, various pressures have also been added.

Most of the issues earlier were unidimensional. Now they have become multi-dimensional and inter-related. The issues used to stem out of a single or a couple of causes. If a child was not performing, you would probe: Problem of concentration? Psychological or physical problem? A few counselling sessions could resolve the issue.

What is the situation today? A child is not performing in studies. What could be the factors? Family disturbances? Hostile environment at school? TV viewing? Friendship? Bad company? Involvement in relationship? Alluring temptations? Or combination of some of these factors? How many factors could come to surface!

The parents need to understand these facts.

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